Saturday, April 24, 2010

Writer's BloC

"Hey, I just created my own Blog. Do visit it and let me know how you find it"
Said a friend to me.

A Blog !!?

Only one word pops up in my head every time I hear those words. "Wow".
For years the word Blog has only brought about wonderment. Wonderment that people could actually, like Actually, put down their thoughts, day after day! Well ... frankly, the feeling of amazement isn't that new. It has been there for a long, long time. The only difference between then and now is that pens, "Dear Diary"s and locked drawers have given way to colored fonts, text-fields and the ability to customize privacy settings.
So ... am I over-reacting to this whole idea of managing a blog?? I suppose writing doesn't sound That tough, right?

Wrong. Writing has been my Nemesis. Right through every English exam I have ever written since I was 6. Reading section - Check. Grammar section - Check. Literature section - Check. Writing section - That's where the abyss awaited me. The whole idea of penning (errr ... typing) my thoughts, likes, dislikes, interests, views invoked a strange kind of fear.
And a fear worse than that? Stringing together words to form sentences and paragraphs coherent enough for any average human being to comprehend. Writing is no exception to my random ways of life.

I wonder what sudden inspiration made me create My very own blog (Wow!). I think it came when, out of the many wayward thoughts that make their way through my head everyday, I hit upon a title, fitting enough for a blog. So what if it was already taken. An extra 'hyphen' never harmed anyone.
And now, after struggling for well over three hours with my 'As', 'THEs' and prepositions, surviving battles between various nice-sounding words in my head, and consulting the omniscient Google over a dozen times, I have some 20 lines to call my very first post and a title that doesn't make much sense.
In any case, the single thought in my head right now is to search for some topic for my next post. The fear has given way to curiosity.

By the way,

"I just created my own Blog. Do visit it and let me know how you find it"


  1. A great initiative, u r so gonna enjoy this!All the very best Big(figuratively) Sis! :)

  2. BRAVO !
    was wondering why it didn't come long back..
    nevertheless.. great start... enjoyed reading it :)

  3. That's beautiful choti! You go girl.. make us proud :)

  4. well.. you do have a flair for writing, a unique style. so just let yourself loose and type away. happy blogging.

  5. Thank you people ! :) :)
    Lets see how long this can continue !

  6. Oh Man ! Its You?

    Blog sounds great and yeah . . . for starters, the whole thought is very fresh and very much a natural process. . .

  7. some how I wouldn't have been surprised with your very thought of maintaining a BLOG!! and now since you have made one, I am sure there's so much to look upto.. I guess there is.. Because I have become so used to actually listening things from your very own mouth :) that to know it from a BLOG isn't a very good idea for me :) but the effort is great and you'll see me following it quite often so as to know what it is that you've combated from telling me :P
    you've given it a good kickoff.. go on with it.

    PS: you may find me talking exorbitantly on your blog too :) how should I help it when its the way it is expected between friends; like we are :)

  8. Abhinav, u can sign that comment with your name ! and Thank you !

  9. Shivani Sweetheart !
    Thank you for the encouragement :) and you can write Whatever you want here. This space is yours too !
    .. and see this is perfect no ! We anyhow tell each other everything.. and whatever escapes (by chance of course :P) can be found here :)



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