Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Unemployment ke side effects

Yawwn !!

Been sleeping too long, haven't I :D

Well, I am awake now and hopefully would be so from now on, here on this page at least.

I kinda try to do new things, big or small. Some things are done on purpose. Like temporary unemployment. Somethings happen on their own.

Like extended unemployment.

I Have to say the initial months weren't great.

They were awesome!!

The freedom from corporate world was exhilarating! Like freed from a 9am-6pm cage.

There was so much on my plate. A new life, a new city, a completely new way of living. The months off helped me get in the thick of things, set up house etc etc. But now the no work routine is something I am looking to get off, things are just taking their own sweet time to shape up, hence the extension of the unemployment.

I was up to a lot of other things as well during this time. Things which I call side effects of unemployment. A look :

  • Reading, reading and more reading. The voraciousness is back !! I am devouring books at a blitzkrieg pace, reading everything from Hindu mythology fiction, India's freedom struggle to marketing in Internet age and what not; including Harry Potter - Book 7, probably the sixth time. JKR, am still a fan \m/  And, I already have a list of ten titles in line.
  • Sleeping like never before. Why a side effect? Coz I find sleeping a waste of time. Thankfully, this didn't last long.
  • Made more than the usual number of trips to my beloved Delhi, than would have been possible. And spent some Quality family time.
  • Writing this after a hiatus.
  • Movies - of course. With my new LED, lazy afternoons turn me into a couch potato at times and I end up catching up on movies- the crappiest and the nicest ones . Crappiest -- hindi version of Serendipity; Not even going into it. Baaah
  • Came around to knowing names (Mind you, ONLY names) of Hindi soaps.
  • Saw Titanic ten more times and fell in love with it all over again - every single time.
  • Oscillating dangerously between frustration of sitting unemployed and giving up the comforts of sitting unemployed :D
  • Logged on to Linked In more number of times than I ever did these past years combined!
  • Took to cooking and realized that I actually enjoy it a lot.

I guess that has been pretty much it. The hunt is on to get back to corporate world , but till then it is about doing all these things I never had the time for.

Till the next post, Adios


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